Multi-Millionaire Swears Under Oath Traditional "1:1 SELLING IS DEAD"....

Discover The Exact Step-by-Step Perfect Funnels Selling Systems™’ That Sell One To Many & Makes Me Over $100,000 Per Month Profits...

Whether you need a high-ticket (Coaching, Consulting, Courses Or Agency) come By Now To build your next irresistible offer and present it with confidence... in just 3 days...

Without…endless sales calls or wasting hours on social media posts and outdated cold outreach methods

Watch The Short Video Below To Find Out More:

LIVE 3 Day Training:

Retail Value: $997+

Today's Investment: 

This Month

 Replays + Recordings

Retail Value: $2,997+

Today's Investment: 

$297 Only

VIP Evening

(Limited To 20 people) 

Shaqir Hussyin

Retail Value: $15,000+

Today's Investment: 

$997 Only

Claim this ‘Invisible Selling System’ 3 day live training that’s Converting Cold Leads Into multiple $10k to $50k Clients Overnight In A One To Many Selling Fashion...

Why Is This FREE? As A Market Test For This Month.
We Are Allowing Limited Number Of Participants To Join For FREE Vs The $997 Enrollment Fee.

What I'm going to be teaching is extremely effective and I only want true action takers on the line with me. The content that I am going to be covering on these three days will show you how to scale to AT LEAST $30k to $100k in a Single Day and we want to know that the people joining us are genuinely going to be implementing what we teach. 

Here's A Sneak Peak At What You'll Discover When You Show Up Live...

The Ultimate 3-Day Deep Dive on Leveraging 90-Min Zoom Presentations to Unlock Multiple $10k to $30k Deals Without Doing Endless Unqualified Sales Call...

  • Unlock the Secret to $10k-$100k Days: Discover the invisible selling system that turns a day's work into a five to six-figure payday, without a single sales call and how to practically SELL ANYTHING TO ANYONE...

  • Craft Your Million-Dollar Offer: Stuck and unsure on what to sell? Who to sell to? Don't worry - Discover a proven turn key system that is step-by-step  to create offers so compelling that prospects go from "Browsers To Buyers™ with our framework in under 24 hours.

  • The "Confidence Focus Booster" – How to go from fearing no one wants your program to absolute confidence in under 7 seconds.

  • The High-Ticket Mindset Makeover: Transform your beliefs about selling high-ticket offers, so you can confidently charge what you're worth and get it.

  • ​The Persuasion Mastery Kit: Equip yourself with psychological triggers and NLP techniques that double your conversion rates, making every word you write sell harder.

  • Escape the Social Media Hamster Wheel: Say goodbye to endless posting with little return. Uncover the strategy that attracts premium clients directly to you, without relying on algorithms.

  • The Anti-Algorithm Strategy: A bulletproof method to keep your audience engaged and buying, no matter how many times social media changes the game.

  • The Domino Story Framework: Discover how to craft a narrative so powerful it shifts your prospects' beliefs and positions your offer as the only solution they need.

  • Activate Buyer Mode Instantly: Master the 9 persuasion switches that transform sceptical prospects into eager buyers, all before you even make your pitch.

  • From Zero to Hero Clients: How to go from no clients to a flood of high-ticket buyers clamouring for your offer, using a method so simple, it feels like cheating.

  • The 90-Minute Transformation: How a single, well-crafted Zoom presentation can fill your calendar with dream clients, ready to pay premium prices.

  • Email Sequences That Sell: Get your hands on the exact follow-up email sequence that boosts webinar show-up rates to 66%, turning cold leads into hot prospects.

  • The Invisible Funnel Blueprint: A simple 4-page funnel that's quietly converting strangers into high-value $10k to $50k clients while you sleep without the complex tech overwhelm.

  • The Testimonial Machine: How to turn your clients into raving fans who do the selling for you, providing social proof that magnetizes even more clients.

  • The ‘Invisible Selling’ Formula: How to design a one-to-many presentation that delivers so much value, attendees are primed to purchase before you even make your offer.

  • The Storytelling Secret Sauce: Uncover the art of using personal stories to sell, turning your life experiences into your most valuable selling tool that actually inspires an action.

  • The Buyer Belief Shift: How to create a shift in your prospects' beliefs that makes buying from you the most logical and desirable action they can take.

  • The Client Attraction Magnet: How to become an irresistible magnet for your dream clients, attracting them effortlessly with your authenticity and value.

  • The Zero Resistance Sale: How to structure your presentation to eliminate objections before they even arise, making "yes" the only logical answer.

  • The Profit Pyramid: Learn how to systematically scale your business from 5 to 6 to 7 figures using the Invisible Selling System, without burning out.

  • The No-Pitch Close: Turn strangers to more sales with this revolutionary way to close deals without ever feeling salesy, making your clients thank you for the opportunity to work with you.

Claim this ‘Invisible Selling System’ to Unlock 5-Figure Days without a Single sales Call.

1. YT Ads QuickStart

The first part of the process. Traffic generation. In this training we will be taking you through how to create, run and analyse profitable YouTube ad campaigns based on over $2m spend on the platform.

2. FB Ads QuickStart

The first part of the process. Traffic generation. In this training we will be taking you through how to create, run and analyse profitable YouTube ad campaigns based on over $2m spend on the platform.

1. YT Ads QuickStart

The first part of the process. Traffic generation. In this training we will be taking you through how to create, run and analyse profitable YouTube ad campaigns based on over $2m spend on the platform.

1. YT Ads QuickStart

The first part of the process. Traffic generation. In this training we will be taking you through how to create, run and analyse profitable YouTube ad campaigns based on over $2m spend on the platform.

Does Any Of This Sound Familiar…?

(What Your Current Business Looks Like WITHOUT A “Invisible Sales” Funnel)

Just tossing posts out there on every social media hoping something will click.

Watching your cash disappear into Facebook ads like it’s a magic trick with no payoff.
Feeling like you're glued to your desk because there's zero automation to give you a break.

At a total loss for finding any kind of traffic method that actually sticks.

Drowning in all these complex strategies that sound great but don’t really do much.

No clue how to sift through leads and figure out who’s actually interested.

Spending hours on calls and then realizing you’re chatting with someone who’s not even your target.

Stuck with a sales funnel that’s about as reliable as flipping a coin for your income.

Trying to grow an email list of fans but it feels like you’re just shouting into the void.

Running a business that just can’t seem to break through that growth ceiling – it’s the big headache.

Claim Your Spot At The Invisible Sales System Bootcamp

You Need To Embrace The FUTURE Of High-Ticket Selling that the Top 1% Coaches are using in 2024!

(What Your Business Could Look Like With A Proven “Invisible Selling” Strategy)

Create irresistible offers that speak directly to the hearts and minds of your ideal clients and sell themselves through the power of your unique story.

Unlock the Power of Story-Driven Sales and create a high-converting presentation that captivates your audience, making the sale without you ever feeling pushy even if you’ve never sold before.

Build a seamless system that works around the clock, turning prospects into eager buyers before they even speak to you leveraging the 9 persuasion switches that subtly influence buying decisions, dramatically increasing your conversion rates.

Have a 24/7 system that naturally draws in high-quality prospects eager to work with you, allowing you to command higher fees with confidence.

Grow an engaged list of leads who see you as the go-to expert, ready and waiting to invest in your high-ticket offers even if you have a zero-following.

Forget spending hours on social media content that fails to convert, instead evergreen content that drives value, positioning you as the undeniable expert in your niche.

Establish Expert Status in one day even if you are just starting out by building a massive audience and leveraging the power of quick wins in your presentations.

Rely on a proven system that not only supports your business growth but also provides a scalable income. Dream bigger with the potential to reach 6 or even 7 figures.

But with YOUR OWN Successful And Profitable “Invisible Selling System” It Is Just 3 Steps Away broken into 3 Days

That All Might Seem Impossible to Achieve…

But with Your Own Successful and Profitable “Invisible Selling System” It Is Just 3 Steps Away broken in 3 Days…

#Day 1:

Attract Your Dream Audience With Your ‘Million-Dollar’ Offer

Our ‘Million-Dollar’ Offer framework that is proven to turn ice-cold curiosity-driven onlookers into red-hot leads desperate to work with you - and pay whatever price you name.

By the end of Day 1 you’ll finally be able to have

✅ A clear, compelling offer that speaks directly to the hearts and minds of your ideal clients.

✅ A structured approach to developing your offer, ensuring it resonates with and attracts your target audience.

✅ Actionable insights to make your offer not just seen but felt, creating a magnetic pull towards your brand.

✅ Simplified pricing strategies that reflect the value of your offer and appeal to your market.

This framework doesn't just add leads to your email list, it cultivates a community of devoted followers.

This is a deep dive into creating an offer that does the heavy lifting for you, making sure your ideal clients not only find you but feel like they've been looking for you all along.

No pitches. No gimmicks. Just real, tangible value that speaks volumes.

And the best part?

Everyone who attends your session walks away feeling enriched, understood, and more connected to you.

I used this exact framework to charge over $120,000+ for one of my services using a single presentation - now is your chance to learn how you can do the same to attract 5k, 10k even 100k paydays...

#Day 2:

Build your ‘Invisible Selling Machine’ that pre-sells your audience to your $10k to $50k offer

So, you have your ‘Million Dollar’ Offer ready to launch - now you need a funnel to promote and host it.

Day 2 is dedicated to the construction of your "Invisible Selling Machine," a system engineered to attract your ideal audience and pre-sell them to your $10k to $50k offer.

You will discover our secretly guarded ‘Persuasion Switch Activation’ method employing psychological triggers that naturally lead your audience to the conclusion of enrolling in your offer.

By the end of Day 2 you’ll be able to create

The ‘Invisible Selling’ Formula: How to design a one-to-many presentation that delivers so much value, attendees are primed to purchase before you even make your offer. 

✅ Your own “Invisible Selling Funnel” A simple 4-page funnel that's quietly converting strangers into high-value $10k to $50k clients while you sleep without the complex tech overwhelm.

✅ A “No-Pitch” one-to-many presentation crafted out that will get your high-ticket offer pre-sold, even before you make the pitch.

✅ Your own “Domino Story” that dismantles barriers of doubt, positioning your offer as the clear solution that unlocks deeper engagement and higher conversion rates.

Engaging Email Sequences that resonates with your list building anticipation and desire without the need for hard sell tactics.

✅ Our ‘Invisible Selling’ Follow-up system that feels personal and increases conversion rates without overwhelming your prospects.

You’ll build a system that consistently generates high-quality leads, turning prospects into eager buyers before they even speak to you.

This funnel needs just 4 PAGES to help you scale to 6 or even 7 figures.

It removes all of the unnecessary complexity and fluff that’s usually involved to maximize results and revenue and keep your prospects engaged.

A new way of creating one-to-many Sales Process that cuts out 95% of the fluff. Say goodbye to tech overwhelm and unnecessary complexity.

#Day 3:

Commit your dream clients to action and close multiple $10k to $50k deals.

I am going to show you how to leverage the “Invisible Selling System” to qualify prospects on complete auto-pilot and turn them into high-paying $10k to $50k deals with clients who say thank you for selling to them!

You’ll be able to seamlessly convert your engaged audience into high-ticket clients without traditional sales tactics.

And get a ready-to-implement plan for your next 90-minute live session that could potentially generate $10k-$50k in sales.

Here’s what you will walk away with on Day 3:

✅ A ‘Pitch-Free’ approach to closing deals to ensure you can maximize revenue with integrity and authenticity.

✅ Master the art of ‘Domino Story Selling’ ensuring you can connect with your audience on a deeper level and drive more conversions.

✅ A strategic plan for growth and scale, ensuring you can expand your reach and impact without burning out.

You’ll leave with a proven system that attracts, engages, and converts your ideal clients, all while building a business that feels authentic and aligned with your values.

Imagine having a calendar full of people desperate to become your next client - more than you’ve even got room for!

With this final piece of the puzzle, you'll discover how to turn red-hot leads into loyal, paying clients…

…without EVER relying on sleazy sales tactics!

If you’ve been searching for a way to eliminate freebies and tire-kickers and ensure you only ever work with the top 1% premium buyers ready to pay for $10k to $50k deals- this is the way to do it.

Claim this ‘Invisible Selling System’ that’s Converting Cold Leads Into multiple $10k to $50k Clients Overnight

Who is your presenter; Shaqir Hussyin?

Quoted by Dan Pena on the Joe Rogan Podcast as one of the top 5 online marketers ever, Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of, & The World's Leading
#1 Funnels Agency;

Nicknamed the “Backpack Millionaire” for travelling over 65+ countries before the age of 30, he's a product of what he teaches, he's invested $500,000 into building his network, joining masterminds, and getting coaching & consulting from the world's best to become the best.

Since 2009, over 1,500,000+ Subscribers and members have joined the Online Profits Daily Newsletter. Shaqir and his team have hosted over 150+ live events all over the world.‍

Featured on Forbes as a "Digital Trendsetter", Home Business Connection and many leading websites. Known as the Backpack Millionaire for travelling 67+ countries and running an 8 figure business (soon to be 9 figures).

Clients pay 10k, 40k and even 100K for personal Coaching & Mentoring With Shaqir Hussyin. 

World's ONLY 3x 2 Comma Club X (8 Figures Each) Winner UNDER 30 Yrs.

Shaqir has quickly become the go-to authority in the areas of High Ticket Marketing, Digital Publishing, Live Events & Seminars, Email Marketing, Sales Funnels, Webinars and Online Marketing.

Invisible Selling System

Retail Value: $997+

Today's Investment: 

$47 Only

Invisible Selling System Recordings

Retail Value: $2,997+

Today's Investment: 

$297 Only


(Limited To 30 people) 

(VIP Q&A w/ Shaqir)

Retail Value: $9,997+

Today's Investment: 

$1,997 Only

Why I'm I Doing This? I've Achieved My Personal Goals...

Now My Big Mission Is To  Create 100 New Millionaire Students & 1,000 New Six Figure Students By December 31st 2025

Do You Want To Become Our Next Success Story?

PLEASE NOTE: My results are not typical, no way am I guaranteeing you these results or any result whatsoever, this took me 13 years of hard work, focus, investing in myself to get there, unfortunately most people don't even know what is hard work. If you're looking to do nothing and "GET RICH QUICK OVERNIGHT" this isn't for you and I can't help you. 

Meet Your Host:

Shaqir Hussyin

Plus, it ensures that people leave your webinar feeling like you’ve just provided them with heaps of value - and, more importantly, that they like you!

🛑 STOP implementing an outdated framework that no longer works.

This is your chance to discover a webinar that is just 30-40 minutes long - and the best part?

It’s 100% ‘pitch-free.’

Then I discovered webinars back in 2014.

It took me a lot of time to crack the code, but I eventually figured out how to start generating millions of dollars in my coaching business, and I’ll be forever grateful that I learned that skill.

But here’s the kicker - I haven’t been running the same system for almost 10 years…

The Game Has Changed.

Luckily, I Practically Wrote The New Rulebook.

The good news for you as a business owner is that webinars are now more PROFITABLE than ever before and actually require LESS WORK from you.

Now, I know I’m not the only person talking about this, but the main reason most people are talking about webinars no longer working is that:

A) They’re trying to bait-and-switch you with their own alternative ‘system’ that costs you an arm and a leg.

B) They’re simply better because they don’t know how to create a profitable webinar that performs consistently in 2023.

Most people HAVE NOT stayed up to date with the latest developments in the webinar world, and that’s where I have a unique advantage…

As A Direct Result Of The Future Webinars I Have Been Able To Unlock So Many Other Areas Of Success:

  • Scale A Multi 7-Figure Coaching Business To Over $20m In Revenue
  • Host Sell-Out Events, Including Our Recent Success, AdCon2023
  • Positively Impact The Lives Of Hundreds Of High-Ticket Clients
  • Speak Around The World At Numerous High-Profile Events
  • Scale A Multi 7-Figure Coaching Business To Over $20m In Revenue
  • Host Sell-Out Events, Including Our Recent Success, AdCon2023
  • Positively Impact The Lives Of Hundreds Of High-Ticket Clients
  • Speak Around The World At Numerous High-Profile Events
I used this exact framework to generate $3 MILLION with one single presentation - now’s your chance to learn how coaches, consultants and experts in any niche can do the same.

What Some Of Shaqir's Student's Are Saying

Neil Anderson - USA

I love working with Shaqir Hussyin & The FUNNELS team, I'm using their done for you funnels to get booked calls and positioned myself with high ticket offers.

Dr Jenny Tufenkian, USA

Dr. Jenny Tufenkian is a licensed naturopathic physician and clinical instructor at the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) helps clients get boundless energy.

Mike Bowness - Australia

Mark Bowness is a tribe builder who helps coaches, thought leaders, experts and change makers to build purpose driven tribes he went from making 100k months to making upto $100,000 IN A WEEK!

Becca Barry - Texas, USA

Mother of 2, Ex-NASA Business strategist. Tried everything, spent 2 days with Shaqir & generated over $100,000 her first 6 months using Done For You FUNNELS + our DONE FOR YOU Traffic Agency.

Jamal Ahmed - UK

Made his first 5 sales "With ZERO Paid Ads" helping others Protect their Organisations from Reputational Damage & Fines by Solving Data Privacy & GDPR Risks

Ian Billingham - Hong Kong

Ex Corporate $300k per year earner shares his emotional story of being able to generate tens of thousands of dollars in a single weekend after working with us.

Claim this ‘Invisible Selling System’ to Unlock 5-Figure Days without a Single sales Call.

Over 10,000+ Clients Served Globally. 

Claim this ‘Invisible Selling System’ to Unlock 5-Figure Days without a Single sales Call.

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